Christmas came the other day
And sat down next to me
Saying, 'Come on son, have some fun
make an idol of a tree.
'Don't worry about what God might say,
enjoy yourself, have a laugh
be like that fool called Aaron -
who built that golden calf.
'After all the Christian Church
has been cutting trees for years;
and putting up the mistletoe -
those silly little dears.
'So don't worry about what God might say
for I've deceived them all you know;
so come along and do the same -
why don't you have a go ?'
I replied to Christmas in this way
'Why don't you go to hell;
I have no idol; Yeshua is Lord -
of Him I love to tell.
'So you will burn with your Christmas tree
in that eternal lake of fire;
for I find by God's Logos -
you are the Devil and you're a liar.'
'The customs of the people are vain'
Jeremiah 10:1-5