Prayer is for praising God
Thank Him for what He's done;
Cleansing you from your sin
By the free gift of His Son.
Prayer is also for
Asking God for things;
Things that you may plan to do
And need God's help to see you through.
To pray is a thing that
Every man should do;
'cause when you pray to God
In faith; He listens to you.
To pray is a gift from God
A gift He's given to you
To tell Him of your problems
And to thank Him too.
I pray every day
It is continual when I pray
While I'm working, even sleeping;
For I know I'm in God's keeping.
I even pray while I write
Prayer by day and prayer by night,
That these poems that I pen
May bring some men home again.
Come before God, start to pray
Come before God, night and day;
Pray, pray and never cease
Be like me, know inward peace.
Philippians 4:6,7