The preacher was the one who said,
That, "All men do end up dead"
Another thing he did say
Was, "Life's just vanity anyway."
The Preacher was an old, old man
And from his years did understand
What was in life that could be won ?
For, "There's nothing new under the Sun."
The Preacher knew that all men die
So spoke the truth he did not lie;
"With nothing is every man born;
so too in death with nothing, gone."
The Preacher taught that life is short
And all OUR efforts come to nought;
He did not say this in despair
For, "Life is like a breath of air."
The Preacher finished and concluded
And his words were not deluded,
The end of the whole matter he did say;
Was, "Keep the commandments and God obey."
The Preacher in wisdom did understand
For what he taught came from God's hand
Who moulds a gold or clay pitcher;
The Preacher was Solomon from Holy Scripture.