Oh men of earth can you not see
The gift of life I offer thee ?
My life I gave and that by pain
To bring you back to Me again.
Why is it that you cannot see
The gift of life I offer thee ?
I'll tell you and I'll tell you true
That I gave my life for you.
My blood was shed the cup I drank
To save all men, it was no prank;
As some would have you to believe
And also with themselves deceive.
Open your hearts and you will see
How my Father set you free;
By sending me upon the earth
That you might all have second birth.
Oh men of earth can you not see
The gift of life I offer thee ?
Just take My hand and you will see
The gift of life I offer thee
Eternal life shall be yours
Never, never fading
Just take My hand I'll pull you out
Of all that sin you wade in.
Matthew 20:28