My Dream World


When I dream from reality to imagination
When I float from my station
I dream of a place, my place to fall
My dream world, that I call
It's a magical place, filled with magical things
There is no law, no rules, and of course no kings
I frolic around all day and all night
With many new things and sights
But when I sleep in my dreams of imagination
I wake up in my station
So one day in reality, something occurd
It could destroy my dream world, that's absurd!
For I discovered sugar, it makes me unable to sleep
No matter how many times I count sheep
But then I saw something that could counter it out
It's being healthy, it can really shout
So then I went to bed and I slept really fast
I could sleep first and wake up last
So the moral to this poem if you are a fan
Is to dream a dream, whenever you can
So as you read this poem of all I fall
Think, are you in reality, or in a dream world you call

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Nice poem man...
I like the last 2 lines especially

I've heard a lot of poems about our flip state-of-mind, but yours is more about having our dream world and what its for, rather than what's in our dream worlds

I like it

A mirror is all that is ever wanted from a shadow