"Why me??"




She looked out of the window,
And saw the ants crawl, in a depressing row. 
It wasn't a bright sight, 
And wondered if what she was doing is right. 
And she sobbed, "Why me?"

She had it all well planned. 

And t'was to run away from the damned. 
One could see her big drops of tears,
Which reflected her life's fears. 
And she sobbed, "Why me?"

Father returned home last night, 

And she could feel the terror struck sight. 
It happened every day and ever night,
Not knowing how she'll see the light. 
And she sobbed, "Why me?"

She could no longer hold it, 

And couldn't play his wit.
It seemed useless to fight. 
But she tried it with all her might. 
And she sobbed, "Why me?"

He opened the door and it creaked, 

She saw his dark huge shadow and freaked. 
She  whispered,"Don't do it, Father!"
And he told her not to be bothered. 
And she sobbed, "Why me?"

He took out his manliness,

Slowly killing her liveliness. 
He roughed her up for more than an hour,
Which seemed to him like a chocolate tower. 
And she sobbed, "Why me?"

And he seemed satisfied and quenched, 

While she was broken and sweat drenched.
She felt sore in her breasts,
She couldn't think of anything but to rest. 
And she sobbed, "Why me?"

She was filled with anguish, 

Broken and wanting to come back in vanquish. 
She'd rise, off these tangles, 
Breaking them, escaping the strangles. 
And she sobbed, "Try me!"

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AngryLaughter's picture

Very very powerful...

This is heartbreaking.

Doodle_Dudette's picture


It definitely is. Did you like the poem? 

AngryLaughter's picture


I did!