Group of baboons in zoo, screeching at families as they stalk on by, who pause to view the primates for but a few seconds; baboons defecate in open palms squatting shrieking obscenely and chuck feces through iron bars, grip bars with hands layered splattered with fibrous shit and commence to shakedown. Families panic don’t know what to do who to trust where to go foam at the mouth black out convulsing on the ground.
The more I talk the less I want to. Matter of fact, I don’t care to do much of anything these days. Stare out an open window and see mountains calling in easy trekking distance. Scan horizon for pleasant things rather than caveman threat, boxed up in a proper, accommodating, lofty little barn for secure function of musing manipulate.
So where is he going with
So where is he going with this, I thought, and then it hit me: no topic was the whole idea. Enjoyed your cleverly convoluted stream of consciousness studded with flashes of wit.
"Every new idea is essentially a clone of itself"
Must quote that!
Great job.
Sister I ain't privvy really
Sister I ain't privy really how to talk too pop-properly these days, or feel confident in summoning anything more than a mere mumble, but one thing I'm damn certain deserves, for it's crazy warmth and worth, at the very least, an attempt, by raising a imaginary glass during this here dry fast and cheersing you with hearty thank!
peace, pot, tequila shot
Jesus loves us, stoned or not