Watch her walk on as the day comes to a close
There gone from my grip panic sets in
The world and my sanity being torn away with each step
Not knowing when I will if I can see her again
How could this be happening to me?
Could someone breathe life into this hollowed frame?
She has animated me and I wilt like a plant without sunlight as her presence fades
To be so heavily invested in something so fickle
Is the risk of teetering over the edge and plunging into despair worth bartering oblivion?
To feel and know it can be ripped away at a moment’s notice that will demolish me
And yet here I stand uncertain almost disgustingly hopeful she will turn around
Run back into my arms and never leave for the beat of my heart fades with her departure
I realize now I am alone at the edge of the road my greatest fear echoing deafening silence
I am mad at myself for allowing me to succumb to this life full of emotion and dependence
It happened almost unknowingly she carved her way into my heart where the hole is now
Gaping at the rush of self loathing bubbling at the surface I wish to scream
My body revolts trying to put images of this encounter into my memories
I cannot be overjoyed by the moment we had if that is all I’ll ever have
so beautiful, so it