Woman In My Mind

2008 Poetry

Mistress of the swirls stuck in my mind,

as I lay and fantasize my perfect woman.

Soft, delicate and the perfect size.

I’ve searched and searched but could never find,

from where I am to the isles of Cayman.

Dreaming of this woman in my heart

People say I am not wise,

though in my dreams I am entwined

and I’ll do what I want as a free man.

One day they will be surprised,

for I shall find my work of art

and they will choke in their disbelief.

Then I’ll come home and do my part,

no longer carrying anymore heart grief.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

The Keats Sonnet

Named after John Keats, this variation is comprised of four tercets (3-line stanza) and a couplet. The layout of the rhyme is uniquely Keatsian, interweaving between the different stanzas. Any metrical scheme is allowed, and there is no volta. The rhyme scheme is a,b,c, a,b,d, c,a,b, c,d,e, d,e.

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heatherburns35's picture

Yes you have a big task ahead. I have heard this before.
You need a lot of luck.

vilmazab's picture

good luck Phil,your task is a big one.