Dear Sweet Madeline

2006 Poetry

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Dear Sweet Madeline,

I can see your face as plain as day,

eyes closed with wind swept hair.

A vision as I look across the water here at home.

I've missed you since you went away,

our last night together etched in my heart.

One day I hope we will embrace again,

rekindling the feelings we have for each other.

Until then we will always have the memories

of long walks hand in hand, talks into the late night hours,

and those sweet sensations when our bodies touched and merged as one.

Good bye my friend, my love, my soul.

Author's Notes/Comments: 


Epistle (pronounced e-PISS-ul) is a poetic form that dates back to ancient Rome and to the Bible. It is a poem written in the form of a letter. The term epistle comes from the Latin word epistola, which means letter. It was used to express love, philosophy, religion and morality.  The poet Robert Burns also frequently wrote epistles, as did Alexander Pope.

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