I close my eyes,
and you are stood there before me,
You my love,
In all your glory.
When i open them.
you are gone again,
you've gone back home,
The other side of the world.
This bed is too big,
for little me,
i need you here,
to hold me.
I wish i could turn around,
and you'd be there,
to hold me, to kiss me
to protect me the way you did.
I wish we could be together,
you and me alone,
all the things we could do,
swim around my head, tormenting.
Sometimes i want to curl up and die,
i always want to be by your side,
sometimes the blade calls out to me,
sometimes i give in.
I look forward to that kiss. I look forward to being with you again.
I'll always be with you in spirit and mind, and give me the slightest chance and I'll be there to hold you. I wish I could help you, but one day we'll see each other again, and we can work through all this pain in one long kiss.