So many words are spoken
I can not even comprehend
Some make me yell in anger
Some make me unabashedly bawl my eyes out
Some of these words make
me feel worthless
Makes me want to curl up in a corner
And never come back
The tears create a puddle
And the puddle
Mirrors the pain
The verbal abuse
The scornful eyes
Throwing glares here and there
Always ending up towards me
I try my best in every way
But I still get yelled at
What must I do?
Why aren't I ever good enough??
I suppose it will never matter
Because no matter what
Your words will always hurt me
I really like your word choices with this poem, i can't tell you enough of how beautiufll you write!! i think i know who you are speaking of. i love you alot, keep up the good work!
-always, sarahw