she didnt know what had come over her..."help me..i need you" he whispered weakly, or had he? NO! he DID she KNEW it...she wouldnt let her convincing ways fool herself wouldnt have been fair to him,*yearning* ah,HIM..the only person she ever loved...more than her own skin no less! she SAW him. she saw the look on his face it would haunt her nightmares until time was no longer time...he was slipping further and further down into the pit she knew of the progress, never mind how slow and at the very end he outstretched his hand...asking her to save him or join him but either way just be with him...why did she let "THE END" overtake him???would she ever know?? The only thing she would ever know is that she would forever remember those haunting images
it's a story thats missing some parts thats what makes it a poem