Mellowed Mind


‘Mellowed Mind’

Sunny days and sweltering heat;

Windy days and withering leaves;

Misty nights and frost bitten faces;

That’s all the God-given gifts!



Rain and sun are no more to be seen;

As they vie against each other’s fate;

God only knows who’s to triumph:

When pitted against human and earth.


The rain subdues the sun, at times

And threatens to douse its flame at once;

But sun strikes back with radiant rays

And lights up the world, in all its gay!


The rain pelts down, and rivulets born;

They join and run down as river:

Furious, though, to change its course

Gushes down to go off track!


Ups and downs, it traverse round

And rips apart the nature down

Devours life, that falls on track

And washes out, all on course.


Human and Earth, fall apart

When nature strikes disastrously

The flora and fauna at its mercy;

As God thinks of its frailty!


No matter, what man thinks of?

As God fosters all he has evolved;

‘Birth and Death’ is part of life

As God sustains and bestows mankind.


‘Big Bang Theory’ and ‘Answer to Life’; what

Scientists and saints aspire for;

Why should this answer be known?

When we have ‘God’ with us!