The Challenge to Win

God gave us a challenge to win.
The challenge to forgive what evil had done.
To reach beyond the damage it had done.

The hurt it had caused to whom it had been done.
How much time will pass before we can forgive?
How much time before the pain, the anger are gone?

I still the hurt and fear of what all went down.
I hurt for those who the pain was inflicted on.
I long to feel Jesus near me again.

I know I must forgive and give it all to him.
When I can set the example the healing will begin.
When I can look evil in the eye and send it away,

When I give Jesus back control and let him win,
Then I will find the peace where it shoould always have been.
Please Dear Jesus; take my heart and set it free.

Please bring forth your love again to me.
Take all this darkness;let me your light see.
Once again, take hold of the heart of me.

Lighten my load dear Lord, guide me through
On this journey , we must now pass through.
Guide me Lord back to you.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Inspired by God after a beating inflicted on our grandson.

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