Dreams of Elysium


"In your light I learn how to love.
In your beauty, how to make poems.
You dance inside my chest,
where no one sees you."



If the world was exactly
the same except that
we loved,
how would I see this
Medieval night?

Would the jasmine
moon float
or softer in
its lacquer bowl?


Would the stars
that nail this tiny
fossil to infinity
vanish and
greater joy

or fade to black
against the
backdrop of
your touch?


I'll never know that
world where you
made my life
a miracle.

So much beauty locked
in a chest of
secrets and
canvases untouched.


So I'll gather the stars
that I know
and honor the
crescent goddess
that fell from

with you in that life

and the dream
of you here.


Patricia Joan Jones

View patriciajj's Full Portfolio
redbrick's picture

Both dreamlike and musical in

Both dreamlike and musical in its seduction and eloquence of thought . A poem that elicits satisfaction and wondrous journey of thought. It's capacity to transport the mind is a generous power.

here is poetry that doesn't always conform

galateus, arkayye, arqios,arquious, crypticbard, excalibard, wordweaver

patriciajj's picture

That was exactly the effect I

That was exactly the effect I was going for, and with the validation of a superior wordcrafter, I'm beyond gratified.


Thank you again and again for making my day!  

S74rw4rd's picture

Fantastic!  Beautiful love

Fantastic!  Beautiful love poem.  Your lines remind me of Ezra Pound's assertion that poetry must be written according to the flow of musical phrases, rather than according to the tick-tock of a metronome.  You fulfill his theory very well.


patriciajj's picture

A thousand thank you's for

A thousand thank you's for your thoughtful observations, and for appreciating my "soundwork". I'm so encouraged by your reply. 

S74rw4rd's picture

As I recall, this was one of

As I recall, this was one of the earliest comments I posted on your work.  I had just been released from a very long (two and a half months) hospitalization.   The Covid lockdowns were soon to begin and the winter, in my area, was very dismal.  Yet, I was about to embark on a reading experience that, I realize now, I had been preparing for since my undergrad days.  In those first few weeks after my release, I came very quickly to the conclusion that you are a great Poet; how profoundly great was still to be revealed to me, and is still being revealed to me as you continue to post your magnificent Poems.  Visiting this comment reminds me of an experience I had at college when, browsing through a library book, I came upon some notes I had scribbled in it a couple of years prior.  It became a timeless moment.  So, here, I am experiencing another one.


patriciajj's picture

Your kindness, advice and

Your kindness, advice and appreciation has provided so much motivation and encouragement that without your support, several of my posts would never have seen the light of day. I'll never tire of expressing my gratitude, towering Poet of wisdom and light.