Summoning the Night


Under the night,
under the self-made waves
of waking dreams
the earth is invisible
and I am thinking my soul cheap,


counting the heartbeats
till that crystal theater, that
quasi-self, that shadow-life,
that demi-death,
that angel,
that sleep.


Destroy me again, sleep!
Blade that cuts these ever-raveling
mother of spirits, gathering the
romping souls to return them
to their chosen bodies,
night within a night,
remind me why there is a night.


The performance has ended,
crowds scatter,
worlds await:

silken walls that don’t own
me, commit me to nothing,
judge nothing.


Strong as myrrh,
soft as secret love, these
lavender fields at the end
of sweat-forged rows,
where a lone bird takes a
sip of the sky,
I see in sparks, cruel
fireflies that singe the vaccum
then exhale before I think to
grasp them.


I plunge from a cliff,
never touching the earth,
passing sky after sky,
each one thinner than the last,
stars underfoot.


And behind me, is my last
thought before darkness,
and heaven somewhere between.


by Patricia Joan Jones

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S74rw4rd's picture

How ever did I miss this

How ever did I miss this magnificent poem?  I am so sorry, I thought my reading of your work had been more thorough.

   There are so many beautiful phrases in this poem; the entire poem is a perfect tapestry of beautiful and striking phrases which, as they do in your other cosmic poems, convey to the reader your beautiful and striking perspective.  You are most truly, Il Miglior Fabbro---if I may again borrow the phrase from two of your peers, Dante and T.S. Eliot.  You have that marvelous talent, which blesses only the greatest of Poets, of taking ordinary words, joining them together, and showing us sparkling, shimmering, lambent and limpid phrases of extraordinary beauty and meaning. 



patriciajj's picture

So what words can convey my

So what words can convey my unfathomable gratitude for that spectacular vote of confidence? For now, this inadequate human language will have to suffice. Thank you again and again!

S74rw4rd's picture

My pleasure, and I am sorry

My pleasure, and I am sorry that I missed this one in my reading of your work.  


redbrick's picture

Reading this somehow gave me

Reading this somehow gave me the feel of swinging toward the end of the opposite arc of a pendulum, the other end of which resounds with the words of "do not go gentle into that good night..." and in between is Bob Dylan and the crew of contemporary and classic poets writing along the same trajectory. thanks for having shared. /Rik.

here is poetry that doesn't always conform

galateus, arkayye, arqios,arquious, crypticbard, excalibard, wordweaver

patriciajj's picture

Thank you for your vibrant,

Thank you for your vibrant, thrilling recap of your impressions on my work. Your amazing comment made my day. Deepest gratitude.

Animal Rights Coalition 9's picture

I am glad that in the morning your threads
continue to ravel
since they are so beautiful

I hope it is alright that I added my favorite
line in this poem at
in the 'reverie' file under your name

If not, let me know and I will notify the webmaster