Untethered Night


A moment ago you were 

a wanderer, 

but here is home: 


the void of sorcery 

where all possibilities

dance and compete 

for your dreams


when you, at last, slipped out 

of the shivering, hard day

you borrowed for a minute.


You are pure spirit 

in the dark,


and for a moment you 

understand God as

you stand in a 

fountain of stars,

meeting yourself

and loving the world


and all the drama 

held in stillness,

this prayer without words,

too immense to ponder.


About it,

nothing can be said.


So what was so 

important that it 

overwhelmed infinity

and seemed to turn 

the cosmos into a 

dazzling accident, 

all chains and

freakish laughter? 


Still the brazen, crackling 

festival of galaxies 

and truth 

and gentleness

goes on, 

and there's always more,

so much more . . .


The rest is just

tiny, earthly details


when you look up

and let go. 


Patricia Joan Jones


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Perfect. Every word.

Perfect. Every word. Brilliant. Hugss 

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

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Your validation means the world to me. Thank you so much for taking the time to read and appreciate my work.