How will you contain
your wonder
when you see
through these mortal
walls into
the other side
of anguish
and Heaven
falls around you
and billows of love
fill your head
the way rain gorges on
sensual honeysuckle,
wild grass and
other earthy spirits?
Flutters of understanding:
How do you clutch
them long enough
to know them better,
before they dart
away and the
ordinary returns?
But for now
Truth is
a crystalline door,
a savage happiness
only the shattered,
the destroyed,
the reconstructed know.
What will your life look
like in a place
without fear?
What will you explore
after you've sailed above
your doubts,
and higher still,
when you are
the drop of daybreak,
the thread of wind,
the clear,
expanding sky?
Patricia Joan Jones
Oh, yes! When we are.... as
Oh, yes! When we are.... as against when we are not - a fluidity dynamic that makes us dynamic and mysterious, the same but always different in sameness!
here is poetry that doesn't always conform
galateus, arkayye, arqios,arquious, crypticbard, excalibard, wordweaver
Thank you for your profound
Thank you for your profound and transcendent insights that eloquently captured my vision. Receiving such an affirming and poetic analysis from a gifted vessel of Light is a deep joy. Huge thanks!
The lasr fived lines of the
The lasr five lines of the poem are, in my opinion, the most important and also the poem's center of gravity, because they disclose the reader to whom the poem's questions are addressed. The Poet has adopted a kind of Socearic method in posing questions to the reader; or, you could also called it that catechetical method that the Early Christians used when preparing converts for full initiation into the Chyrch.
And this is appropriate because this poem, like her other poems, constitute an extended initiation into an awareness of the Cosmos. When you read one of Patricia's poems, you are actually reading the content or subject matter of all of them. In this aspect, she resembles Wallace Stevens, whose body of work was based on certain premises that alwaus kept the individual poems in line with his subject matter, Patricia's style operates exactly like this. And to paraphrase one of Stevens' recent critics---whose name I cannot recall just now--her Poetry demonstrates an astonishing amount of internal control and modulation. Patricia's poems present the Cosmos itself, so internal control and modulation are absolutely necessary. I believe this kind of approach to poetry began with Vergil---and Patricia is an inheritor of that vocation---to explain the Cosmos to itself.
Thank you again (and again .
Thank you again (and again . . .) for going straight for that center of gravity and unpacking everything with breathtaking accuracy and intricacy. I'm forever honored and humbled by your astronomical insights, your deep comprehension of my vision and your resonance with my work.
So much gratitude, such a limited language to fully express it.
Be blessed, radiant Friend and Poet.
Thank you
This poem is full of wonder, awe, and a contemplative sense of introspection. The language used in the text evokes powerful imagery of transformation, emotional depth, and a sense of metaphysical exploration. The juxtaposition of concepts like anguish and Heaven, love and pain, and destruction and reconstruction all contribute to a rich emotional tapestry that suggests a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment. The imagery of rain gorging on sensual honeysuckle and wild grass and the idea of Truth as a crystalline door evokes a sense of magic and beauty in the face of profound experiences. Overall, it conveys a sense of mystery, longing, and a desire to transcend the ordinary in search of deeper understanding and connection with the world.
Alliswend bin ich nicht, doch vie list mir bewußt.
I am filled with gratitude
I am filled with gratitude and amazement by your stunning analysis that hit the mark with both precision and eloquence. That was exactly the effect I intended to evoke, and your vibrant insights confirmed it as only a true Poet can do. And you are a truly gifted Poet!
My regret is that I've been so busy lately that I haven't been able to give your posts the attention they so greatly deserve, but I hope to remedy that soon.
Thank you immensely for taking the time to read (I mean, really read) and leave such resplendent footprints.