Just a few petals
of sun have ignited
the pond
and already I am
sinking in light,
an unseen light,
which is everything,
only pretending to be broken,
to be form,
to be you and I
until the day we surge
back into shapeless,
unleashed joy that
for now is only a
legend on the edge
of awareness.
And here comes the wind
with its ghost body
splashing through
leaves and sky,
all tinsel and dizzy green.
Make room for me,
romping spirit,
rinse me
in the floating hope
that traveled all the way
from Heaven.
Tell me more about God . . .
See, the crane knows:
Without moving,
he stepped out of the
backdrop of his
shaggy world
and here he is unfolding
into a shock of
wings and power—
what a conspiracy of beauty
and wordless understanding
I can somehow unravel . . .
So here is truth:
We never left.
We never failed.
It was here all the time—
that thing we were screaming
for in the part of ourselves
we forget is real.
Wandering now . . .
beyond the silence,
a stranger in all this
In the Absolute we are
the Unseen. We return
to where we began:
in the complete
and unquestioning love
that always was.
Patricia Joan Jones
totally awesome,the realm is
totally awesome,the realm is full of spirits
ron parrish
Thank you for reading and
Thank you for reading and leaving such a beautiful comment.
you`re welcome,,we don`t see
you`re welcome,,we don`t see as much as we do,,happy 4,th
ron parrish
You already know the
You already know the superlatives any of your poems inspired, and no less for this one. But what I want to point out (as I am becoming a very *amateur* scholar of your work) is that this poem defines the poetic niche you have created for yourself: the . . .
legend on the edge
of awareness.
And in explicating this legend, you explicate for us, in your beautiful, inimatable and already classic style (the PATRICIAN style) the cosmos itself. You have written, and continue to write, a poetry that will endure long after many others' poems have been forgotten, deleted, or denied. No one here can prove this wrong; Time, and the acclaim of present and future readers, will prove this right.
I truly value your
I truly value your perspectives on my work. So touched and thrilled by your in-depth understanding of vision, my purpose. Your encouragement has been crucial to my efforts, and there's no expression of gratitude towering enough to match that gift.
It is a privilege to watch,
It is a privilege to watch, and read, a MAJOR POET assembling a TREMENDOUS POETRY, poem by poem. All of my college reading, in Stevens, Eliot and others, was meant, I now realize, to prepare me for this in this last segment of my life. Just as I have lived long enough to hear that Mary Shelley was recommended by a Nobel prize scientist, I am now also seeing the accumulation of a body of work unprecedented at postpoems---but definitely precedented by the greatest poets of the Western Canon. "Traveller in the Unseen" will instruct your readers about your poems, like Stevens' poems, "Someone Puts A Pineapple Together," and "The Planet on the Table." Or like lovely Miss Mary's introduction to the 1831 edition of Frankenstein in which the last paragraph gives us an implicit clue to how to read the sorrows the Monster represents (as well as the dedication which we now know was bitterly sarcastic). "Traveller in the Unseen" is one of your centerpiece poems, and it will explicate itself and your other poems, those posted and those to be posted, to all those who will accept your greatness.
If that's not motivation and
If that's not motivation and encouragement, I don't know what is. My heartfelt gratitude for all your advice and unwavering support. It has kept me plowing through the wilderness of self-doubt and malaise, and always reaching higher. God bless you, fine poet.