Keep Away

                                Keep Away

My wife’s body is thrown from one treatment to the next

Week after week she is caught and released

Now by chemo, next by radiation, then by experimental drugs

Back and forth to the hospital

Her hair flying off, her stomach growing queasy

As we play “keep away” from cancer.

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I Had A Friend

She had two kids

and her husand was kind

and her days were filled

with pain as the doctors

tried to get the radiation

to comply with theory.


I had an aunt, tenacious

enough to beat the unbeatable

but she died, glad to go,

wishing she had gone

before her husband, my

favorite uncle.


I wish those peace who

sit in rooms to wait. Who

stand beside the bed with

the tubes and apparati

that keeps a beloved living.

I wish you peace and rest

and a reprieve from

the pain that hopes ending

is hovering.



