"Colors Of Beauty"

Colors Of Beauty

I've painted the color of your beauty


in lip prints softly brushed

in southern honey

dripping candy apple smiles

awaiting the blazing embers of our kiss

in the torch of starlight whispers.

I've felt the color of your beauty


Velvet shimmers lingering past

fragile explosions of sacred salvation

Your eyes looking deep down into mine

to find the shade of our hearts keep

found only in the deliverance of our collapse.

I've touched the color of your beauty


On a bed laced with midnight roses

traced in the sweetest surrender

of delicate petals

bared in the glory of your blossoms

opening to the magic in our sway

of liquid twilight breezes.

I've written the color of your beauty


The wings you wrap around

in everything tender you feel

Finding tomorrows in the silhouette

of their yesterdays

An Angel who is a Dreamweaver

singing the harmony of sweet comfort

for so many

and loving me

in the arms of home.


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