"Eternal Verses"

Eternal Verses

I was drinking us

wrapped in the curl of you,

missing everything

beautiful about our love,

then I touched my heart, felt you

whispering my name.

I remembered the sweet soft

voice of your caress

bringing me down to my knees,

I pressed you close to my lips

breathing in your scent

tasting the pour of your curve,

and I held Heaven

inside the embrace of us,

drowning in the dream of want.

I put the bottle away

turned the glass over,

to hold down the words I had written.

Two verses filled with

six words of a lifetime,

everything eternal

that fills my world.

"I Love You"


"I Miss You"

and in each step towards forever

and in every breath of always,

they will remain stained

in the ink of my heart

that flows for you,

and bleeds,

for only us.

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J R's picture

Very beautiful. It seems like a very emotional poem, though I could be wrong since many good writers can draw out emotion with words without feeling a thing themselves. ^_~