"Writing You"

Writing You

How does this Man find the words

to write you,

to pen delicate whispers beautiful

that spill from the soft of your lips?

How does this page get written

when I breathe the essence of poetry

wrapped in the glow of your blush

How do I capture all that?

You are my weakness,

in the crave of spring's release

as petals blossom

to the swell of thunder,

unleashing fires of a season's rain

in the fall of our surrender.

Where will the ink come from

to stain the syllables needed

for the faith we bleed

in prayers delivered

How can I find colors that brush so divine?

You are my heartbeat,

fluid strokes

soaked in fever

drenched in the cherish

of unwrapped moments,

precious twilight murmurs

carved in a beg of sighs

beneath the glimmer of evening curls

and a wet hush.

How does this Man find words

treasured enough

to even come close

to the pleasures we share?

I don't know

all I can do is try

as I sit here remembering

seven days of Heaven

in the cradle of your wings,

and seven nights of beautiful

in every moment of you.

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C03ru135c3n7's picture

The beauty of this poem cannot be overstated; but the excellence of the last two lines are beyond description (at least in the English language). I applaud your accomplishment!


M A U I's picture

such a beautiful poem. the flow of words is so lovely they tug on the heart and i loved reading it ^_^