"Falling In Love"

Falling In Love

In the midnight of eve,

I embrace the warmth

of soft whispers

in the crave of your art,

brushed by gentle love

dipped in deep ink feel,

etched by the beauty of touch

in the sweet of your hush.

I want to burn in the trace

of your outline,

where shadows curve,

creating the fire of


in a blaze of beautiful


where I breathe,

wrapped in warmth.

I need only,

your heart close to mine

the gift of a lifetime.

Just one mans wish

to be rich,

in the love of your colours

the breath of your kiss,

heavenly stained

in the soak of pouring rain,

where you drench me

in the taste of beautiful verses

in the syllables of my fall...

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Lori's picture

You absolutly take my breath away with these words expressed..... Once again I Love It!!!!
