"Last Chance"

South Side Of Love

Last Chance

Much ponderance,

in recollections of boxed lps

going back in time

Hank Senior

"Your Cheatin Heart"


yet still playable

on the turntable stored

in the back of my mind.

Much reflection,

when boys were boys

and hitting a girl meant you liked them

now we have a murder every twenty seconds

seventeen on a good day

no time off with good behavior

not even Sundays,

remember those walks in the park?

Many memories,

sidewalk crack beginnings

gathering at the corner

playing hoops

passing the pigskin

no dime bags opening the splits

swallowing pride and innocents.

Much thought,

the world's changed

key is can we go back

where you were once you

before you changed hairdresser's

and they cut your soul out

but left appearance's sake?

I hear there's a train leaving Stepford this evening

has a seat left

bargain priced


one lost heart.

If you find it

grab a ride

it's the last train out of here.


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piece on
here you
said alot
of important stuff
to remember