"Angel Kisses"

Love's Stage

Angel Kisses

She touched me, really touched me

it was only on the chest

but it took away my breath,

then she looked me right in the eyes

and I was mesmerized

Her dark beauty astounding

hair cascading, eyes on fire

face so soft and glowing

innocence covering deep and passionate desires

My hands trembling

body shivering

as this angel took me in her arms and drew me near,

I couldn't feel my heart beating

I could feel it pounding,

then I melted as she whispered "Angel Kisses" in my ear

She brought her lips to mine

right there stopping time

unforgettable moments

those are the ones

this was the one,

I have known some

but not like this,

her lips

my moment in the sun

soaking in her Angel Kisses.

©Brian Glenn

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Wow, this poem is so incredibally beautiful, it's left me speechless. Your writing is so amazing.