"I Would Do Anything"

Love's Stage

I Would Do Anything

I would move mountains

just to reach my hand out to you

sail around the world

just to look into those baby blues

go down on my knees

beg you please!

Love me and you will feel

the deepest pleasures of ecstasy.

I would do anything,

anything at all

to hold you one time,

battle army's

fight any war

just to have you in these arms of mine.

I would dive deep into the depths of the deep blue sea

for the pleasure of feeling you breathe

drive days on end

for the heat of your desires,

settling into the night with the warmth of your fires.

I would go down on my knees

beg you please!

I would do anything

anything at all,

just love me and you will feel

the deepest pleasures of ecstasy.


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fighter4life's picture

Very beatiful. Great work.