"A Woman"

Love's Stage

A Woman

The smiles I receive

the deeper breaths I breathe

when your hands clasp mine,

in these cherished moments of time.

Not just your touch

but the look from your eyes

not just a glance

but what comes from inside,

something so deep

so wonderful from within

your beauty my love,

so warm and open.

Tasting your angel kisses while holding you near

feeling your body tremble while whispering in your ear,

outside the body is bright

inside the fires burn,

and into the night

to the passion of our love we return.

Some people go through life and never find what I've found

they can hear the music

but not feel the sound.

I not only see

but am lucky enough to feel her standing next to me,

an angel from heaven

God's most beautiful creature,

a woman.

©Brian Glenn

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You write so romantically, I can really feel what you are feeling. I love your poems so much.