"You Take My Breath Away"

Love's Stage

You Take My Breath Away

Sometimes when I sit alone

I find myself putting your picture upon my screen,

at once I am lost in a dream

a beautiful dream,

a vision of true beauty in all that it seems.

There is a landslide inside of me

warm feelings flow continuously

a rush throughout my body

I am overwhelmed with your beauty,

you take my breath away baby.

The dark silkiness of your hair

the warmth of your heart you share

the freshness of your skin

your eyes that draw me within

your mouth so sensuous

lips I know, so delicious.

I look at you and see a paradise of beauty

a world so lovely

I am overwhelmed so completely,

you take my breath away baby.

Your smile lights up the universe my love

its a vision this man could never get enough of,

and if you could look through my eyes

you would see what I see,

a reflection of such true beauty.

You overwhelm me pretty lady

and I thank you for the pleasure of your company.

With that I say,

you truly take my breath away...

©Brian Glenn

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