"Stained In Soft Fire"

Stained In Soft Fire

Soft strokes of our heartbeat,

endless hours of surrender

past midnight whispers

found us

led us


two sacred days

of drowning in our eyes,

worshipping the soft of sighs,

tasting the depths of heavenly feel,

embracing the eternal breath of kisses

that soaked us in passion's real

Now becomes words

written in ache,

and redefined,

with every breath I take


unleashed hunger

spilling into the torch

of soul kisses,

craving the burn

of deep purrs,

fueling the flames

of graveled roars

as we etched our names

in deep swelters of love,

melting two hearts

in immortal stain of us.

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*Natural Feelings ~*'s picture

I'm telling you i sound like a broken record lol

Now becomes words
written in ache,
and redefined,
with every breath I take

unleashed hunger
spilling into the torch
of soul kisses,
craving the burn
of deep purrs,
fueling the flames
of graveled roars

^^ I don't mind repeating myself your amazing your talented..