"Dancing With My Star"

Love's Stage

Dancing With My Star

Velvet blossoms unfold

in the swell of mornings call

awakening the stir of memories

upon the lips,

of moments ago.

Late night tango's


steel into beautiful want


beneath need,

as whispered begs cry our name

in a burial of sighs,


the very existence

of our crumble into surrender.

Sacred truths defining

ancient syllables,


in the pour of honeyseed,


the verity of


As One

cloaked in the fall

of all revealed,

between the sheets of our addiction

as we write our crave

in the ink of us

View passionaterider's Full Portfolio
*Natural Feelings ~*'s picture

your an amazzing writor..I wish i could expree beauitfully like this..

as we write our crave
in the ink of us

^^ I like this it was very creative indeed...I be on postpoems alot so i'll be looking for your pieces...