"Life Out Here"

South Side Of Love

Life Out Here

I'm not much for shadows

dark tends to scare me

the boogey man is alive and well, you know?

So much for balance in my life

too many short trips

think its time for a long vacation.

I like to play games

enjoy friends,

interaction is so much fun

just got to remember

to get off, as the world turns.

Tranquility is what dreams are made of

or is it?

Depends on the heart of the matter, I suppose.

Television tells me this is election year

I watch wrestling.

Stone Cold is gone

Rock is on haitus,

but I'll still smackdown my vote

after shooting a few pellets.

Stories seem to fill my conscious

I've even told a few

you got to remember though,

I grew up in the seventies.

They're mostly true,

I think.

The doctor said I had a condition

called it hardening of the arteries

told him he was crazy,

he's never caught a wave.

He could be right

passion use to flow in these veins,

seems I've been left high and dry.

Might be time to go back to my room

still a few closets to fill,

lots of places to hide.

©Brian Glenn

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I like it, it's very philisophical in a way, it makes you think.