Rockport and Gloucester


Sit on the rocks by the ocean.

this may be heaven, or as close as earth gets.

Its not like the movies portray life.

Movies can be so wrong.

That red crab is pretty big,

And just at home by the waves.

The townspeople are used to living on a cloud.

I could walk those cobblestone paths every night.

Then I would never die.

The store owners are used to living on a cloud.

Sometimes you have to look in the middle of nowhere to find beauty.

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R. Lynn Wilson's picture

your style of writing has such a genuine tone. i really enjoy reading your work! you seem to see things through innocent eyes. it's really quite admirable... :o)

and you're right... sometimes you do have to look in the middle of nowhere to find beauty.

poetvg's picture

Simply ;*)
Beautiful .