2003 Poetry

when nothing’s left

but your wary head

pondering how to

battle the days ahead

                  worry not

when no one is there

to mumble reassurance

or to make a star

glisten for once

            fear not

when no one would

hand you a hanky to

pat dry those globules

from your weary eyes

                     want not

and when you only got

but yourself and the dismal

spaces hanging between

your blinks and sighs

                  gripe not

think of the fishes,

they are able to swirl

and furl to the nadir

in the depths of the sea

think of the birds above

which flutter to the gust

of the wind, and croon

to the tempo of the trees

think, too, that whilst you

weep for your plight, which

seemed humongous to your eyes

feeling pathetic and neglected

think of Job and what become

of him afterwards.

God weeps with you all along

believe that when God closes

the door, HE opens the window

He'll be by your side--always

written 2/03/2003

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Through GOD, everything is possible.

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Sudha Venkat Sandhi's picture

Very genuine piece...In this phase when GOD seems to be a distant entity among the upcoming generation...your poem just aptly suits the need of the hour. You have in fact infused in me a curiosity to write further abt this topic. I have loved it.

 Coffee2's picture

This is so true. God is always with us even when we think
He is not. You are so gifted.
Love and prayers