2002 Poetry

brown, black, white

three hues in sight

who's better

who's greater

let us decipher

brown's the earth color

the trunks of foliage

underneath the grasses

he gives permanent grasp

fertile ground of fertilizers

enliven the shrubberies

he too is that mud

ready to give me a blot

but despite that

he sure can make me stand

black's the twilight zone

the bone of the cosmos

where stars and moon

come into view

he gives me ease

after a long tiring day

and gives me trances

as I lay my head to bed

he could frighten me by

the creatures of the night

yet, he's beam of light

is ready to show me

strength and glory

via the lit of starry night

white's a chastity


a woman purity

inside a white

wedding dress

he's that daybreak

that puts me to rush

he's that white sheet of paper

every pencil loves to crash

but he's handsome

and his elegance glitters

now may I ask

which color

is your caste?

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Corey Fox's picture

You know, it brings tears to my eyes to imagine all people coming together (as opposed to just saying it). May it come true one day, and may You be assisting with good writing like this! one love Corey & co

Ernest Bevans's picture

GOLD heart
RED molten Blood
Transparent soul
Black skin!