I'm Gone...Really Gone

I'm gone

really gone

far far away

need to stay

focused some way

cuz feel so far gone

really gone

far far away

in my mind


feel like I can't win

just feel gone away

lost today

in every way

I'm either losing my mind

or trying to protect it

there are thoughts in my mind

need to be rejected

feeling neglected

have reflected


that just isn't me

I prefer to think positive

to live and let live

I have so much to give

so much to share

if I dare

to go there

for now not anywhere

just lost inside my head

with thoughts I tend to dread

not sure what will be read

for those who dare to tread

this ground


seeking answers

none can give

taking chances

trying to live

through the fears

all these years

so far so good I guess

or do I digress

time will tell

if this mess

will progress

or go away

in a wishing well

if I pray

Author's Notes/Comments: 

just current frame of mind presented in rhyme...Pam

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fighter4life's picture

Great poem, really makes you think.