When Thoughts Flow


when thoughts flow

gotta let them go

on their way

whatelse can I say

Author's Notes/Comments: 

short and sweet
and really neat

I think I will take this one over to postpoems from my blog at bebo...short and sweet...rare for me...I tend to go on and on...if you read more...you will know that is the score...the majority of my poems are at least 20 lines or more...I find it hard to edit, I addit...such a rebel without a clause...pun intended rebel without a cause...ya, whatever...crazy silly mixed up kid that will never ever grow up or make much sense except make much nonsense being the rebel i truly am...ha ha...ya ok enough said...been a very long day under lots of stress but brings out some creativity...good or bad? Not sure...too vulnerable and open sometimes but I am what I am and that's all that I am... a backwards map named pam....isn't it funny the commentary is longer than the poem...do you get the gist of this message? Let me know...comment please...comments from the peanut gallery especially welcome!

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Danielle Wagner's picture

its cute

April C's picture

short and sweet...straight to the point..very good poem:) and great commentary!!! plz check out some of mine...later -april-

fighter4life's picture

I love this, it is a great poem.