Nothing to Say

I have nothing to say


imagine my dismay

no word play

no thoughts to share

no time to care

no time to dare

put myself out there

submit to the masses

cuz some can be asses

did I say that

imagine that

what brought that on

should be thought upon

or deleted

once completed

I find it hard to take away

so this will probably stay

and get added to someday

but for now is all I have to say

I guess I should change the title

maybe someday I might...all

or nothing

guess all makes more sense

cuz it is something


gotta go

Author's Notes/Comments: 

spontaneous combustion, can't stop thoughts from flowing, can't write down fast enough, automatic writing at its height...better get some sleep or maybe stay up all night and keep writing more...I dunno....Pam

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Sometimes I have nothing to say, too.