

why do you speak so loud

and block the sun

from someone

like me

what can your reason be

why make a cloudy day

instead of a sunny day

I prefer sunny

isn't it funny

I write to you

so cloud what do you want to block

should I be in shock

or have known it all along

and break out in song

I love the sun's rays

I love sunny days

feel the heat

feel the drive

really meet

the will to thrive

let's see where we go from there

if you dare

I dare you to

so hope you go there too...

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Just started reading a poem by my friend Ruth Lovejoy, gotta love that name Love joy...who doesn't anyways...she sent a poem to me that made me think of this one, so thanks for your inspiration Ruth and hope we can co-inspire each other...meantime here is my take on your inspiration and thanks for that...Pam

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fighter4life's picture

I love this poem.

Ruth Lovejoy's picture

great piece ,we all need to look to clouds at points