My equilibrium is unbalanced on the tightrope of reality
Circular checkerboards are on the square root of infinity
Black & blue in black & white must be true...(I read it in the paper)
Elaborate simplicity think electricity
Beware of deranged pretenders you never know what they'll do
Blondie was a brunette Bruno was a blonde so what
The matchbook got wet when I smoked in the rain de-light-ful
Comedy is tragedy is comedy is tragedy is is is is
A winter wonderland can only be seen at 90 degrees
Beyond the tribe lies a solitary man who's sick of the crowd
Crowded houses are usually empty MOO
Go for the gold pony stay golden courtesy of The Outsiders
Fires always burn til they go out and play
Quasimodo walked so straight does he give posture lessons
Kaleidoscopes can conquer anything live the dream
Mental breakdowns require philosophical tools
When smoke gets in my eyes I do not tend to cry
Lights out time to rest lights on time to go
Roll the coin flip the dice isn't that backwards
Not now later not now earlier make-up your mind
Exit exams excuse my french
The pitcher was beer the batter was ice glad I had a straw
Turkey in the straw hee haw
The exit sign was unlit the entrance was lit but I want to go out the in door can I
The night was the same the numbers changed
Bizarre bazaar
that's what these lines are
I like it, all the answers you have come to know as truths are no longer truths, much like life. You were given the way it should be as you grew up only to find that nothing is as it should be. No Ken and Barbie life, love does not conquer all, their is no fairytale happy endings. This is abstract, but it probably speaks more to the truth than we were programed to believe. lol, Well that is what I got out of it. It was a fun write, a true thinking write and well penned. PS
I like it a lot, can't say that i totally understand it... but i love it
This is BRILLIANT! It really is, I really like it. Excellent work on this poem.
Whoa :P That is pretty out there. Some of it kindof reminds me of Nirvana's Come as You Are:
"Take your time
Hurry up
The choice is yours
Don't be late"