Ryan Cabrera ,Thank You So Much ,Gotta Love Ya!

Hey Ry

You're a great guy

there's a reason why

I gotta give this a try

you are an amazing soul

you reached your goal

got your message to the masses

whether or not they have passes

for a meet and greet

you are really neat

you are a sweetheart

appreciate your art

you touch my soul

with your rock n roll

I have poems I want to share

so be aware

that is why

I gave this a try

true:"do u even know you met me"

hope you do let me know...I know I met you hee hee, that's just me...did u meet me?

please let me know

ok? gotta go....

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Author's Notes/Comments: 

recently got to meet Ryan Cabrera at House of Blues on 2/17/05 and I am listening to the song I asked him to sing at sound check and he did it for the first time live during the show...Inside Your Mind...that kinda captures my feelings that night....yikes....it is so surreal and dream like and then like did it really happen, yes it did...my prayers were answered and his mom made it happen and I am totally still spinning in my head like no comprendo..wow...did this really happen? Si...Why me?  Just lucky? Very very lucky...U R the best Ry...oh ya, the Chicago sound check pics Megan took, she took the pic of me and Ryan too...anyways she took those pics while I was asking Ryan about his dog Jamarvin and he took his cell phone out to try to show me a pic of Jamarvin...memories...

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Megan's picture

OMG u met Ryan!!!! ekk!! I'm so jealous!! LoL..thats a good poem though!!

megan's picture


Megan <3

billy's picture

yay for ryan! lol

Mom's picture

Ryan should appreciate this.

Dayla's picture

I LOVE IT! I really wish I could write something like this. Have you ever considered showing this poem to him?

Samantha's picture

i LOVE that poem. it is so true. it makes me think of ryans perfection.each line leads to better and better. i think ryan is an undercover angel.

that is the cutest picture of u and him!!!adorable!!!<3

artikodin77's picture

awww... i love this one, it's awesome !!!! it's my favorite poems about him!

Morgan's picture

This is such a cute poem! Us Ry fans sure do know our stuff huh?! lol You rock Pam!

riley's picture

ahh cute! i love ryan!

Samantha Scahefer's picture

Sam here again. i rilly liked that one too! u have a kool way of expressing your feelings for ryan! he's so0o awesome!!! i hope i get to meet him some day 2!

Mimi's picture

lucky u hey...well i hope u weren't drooling to much or screaming n jumping up n down, bc i know i would lol security guards will probably have to tackle me down lol...well glad u met a singer that u really like, u're nuts pam lol