Stick With Your Personal Style

Cheer up ...don't be depressed

I can tell you're distressed

smile can go a mile

(try to let silly stupid stuff amuse you)

I am easily amused...I laugh a lot even if i am sad

that makes me glad

I laugh at the irony of how silly it is

is the cup half full or half empty...think positive

it is half full, of course it is

you would rather laugh than cry

who wouldn't want to try

you can communicate in many different ways

please try to keep in touch here always

I know I am stuck

on that rhymy poetry stuff

but that is just me and my style

it can go an inch or it can go a mile

depending on what you see in it

beauty is in the eye of the beholder

I hope you get it

cuz I am bolder

I stick with my style

and hope it makes the mile

if not at least I shared

I dared

I cared

I just look for emotional comments

if you pick up on those moments

not concerned with presentation

that I can say with no hesitation

I am a t-shirt and jeans

know what that means

basically me

feel free

to enjoy me

and let me know how it feels

to learn about what life deals

me in your eyes

no disguise

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Recognition may come if you stick with your guns, personal style...I love to hear comments but not critiques I am looking for how my poetry makes people feel...I don't want to change it, you can offer opinions but I will read them and probably just leave the poem as is...but never know so bring it on...and thanks for checking it out

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Ruth Lovejoy's picture

like this piece,you stand your ground asking for comments,state the piece will stay as is which I totally agree with because if others change our words they are then not ours. I like the "stand" on this piece. I also like the positive attitude in lieu or sadness/chaos