Try Not To Think About It

Try not to think about it

Well it's easier said than done

Try not to think about it

It's over and nothing's gonna change it

Don't worry about it

Cuz the deed's already done

Why worry about it

It's over and nothing's gonna change it

You can't lose something

You thought you had

When you never really had it

Just remember that life ain't all bad

It's just some people in it

It hurts to have to lose faith

In someone you really trusted

Realize you're swallowed the bait

And now you're payin for it

You know they're laughin at ya

Think you're really dumb

It'll be your turn to laugh

When judgement time comes

They'll get theirs in the end

Author's Notes/Comments: 

wow...another oldie that still rings true

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fighter4life's picture

"It hurts to have to lose faith
In someone you really trusted
Realize you're swallowed the bait
And now you're payin for it"

I love that stanza. Really good poem.

Delicate Rose's picture

Pam! This poem is amazing! I really like it! You are such a wonderful poet! :) *hugs* Miss ya! Hopefully I can talk to you soon.
