Easily Amused

They say I'm easily amused

And you can bet I won't deny it

Cuz I am easily amused

It's lotsa fun, you oughta try it

I guess I never will grow up

I always play such childish games

I don't know how to act grown-up

and that's a fact....I'm not ashamed

So if you want an adult relationship

You're barking up the wrong tree

Cuz a wild'n'crazy little girl

Is all you'll ever get from me

Can't help it...that's the way I am

I can't take anything too serious

and just because of how I act

Most people think I am delirious

Author's Notes/Comments: 

written ages ago but still rings true

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fighter4life's picture

I can so relate to this, this is the way I am ate least when I am with my friends and stuff, I am very easlily amused and I am never ever the serious one.