Too Much Fun

You can never have

Too much fun

So live it up

While you can

There's no such thing as

too much fun

So live it up

while you still can

Gotta live for the moment

from day to day

Just don't go overboard

and you'll be ok

Once you reach the edge

of your sanity

There's no turnin' back

So discipline yourself

Don't get on the wrong track

Cuz it's hard to go back

Take it from me

I've been there, you see

Author's Notes/Comments: 

written ages ago but still get it...can u ever have 2 much fun? I dunno...

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Danielle Wagner's picture

of course not!! there's no such thing as too much fun;) okay that wasn't cliche or anything..but it's an excelent poem and i love it!!

Mandy's picture

I love this one! It reminds me of the song "Too Much Fun"! I think it is by Tracy Bird but I am not sure! I am going to print this one out and show it to my friends! Is that Ok?