
I have a shatterproof heart

I have shatterproof dreams

I tell shatterproof lies

In a shatterproof world

I don't know what emotion is

And love is a four letter word

Only fools fall in love

and I ain't no fool

Love is a powerful tool

As a general rule

Love can break your heart

It can shatter your dreams

Love won't let ya lie

In a crazy unpredictable world

Love is a social disease

We're all succeptible to it

Some handle it with ease

And don't give into it

Well I've had a couple shot of love

so I am immune to it

Nobody's gonna break my heart

Or shatter my dreams

And make my life come apart at the seams cuz...

I have a shatterproof heart

I have shatterproof dreams

I tell shatterproof lies

In a shatterproof world

Author's Notes/Comments: 

written long ago...this was one of my favorite band songs and I hope someone can do this one cuz it deserves to be sung loudly...It is a total pop song that can make mils for me ya right?

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fighter4life's picture

Cool song lyrics, I like the messege.

Ruth Lovejoy's picture

I like the whole thing except one line-only fools fallin love. To know love real love, you can not be a fool but be blessed

Bill aka Tom Joad's picture

I kinda like this song. The first stanza is good. The second stanza is ok, I don't like the last line, its kinda cliche. The third stanza is ok, I don't like it too much though. The fourth stanza is good, but I'd change the last line to "But I won't give into it". Then I don't like the fifth that much. And the last is good.