PS....Perfect Society


That's all you ever think about

I can state this with no doubt

You don't care how others feel

Or if they get a fair deal

You only care about yourself

Yourself...that's it and no one else

You don't know what compromise is

You can't stand no happy faces

You want people to take your commands

You never listen to their demands


That's the way it's gonna be


The newest sensation

Causes such frustration

It's a crime against the nation

I'm into me and you're into you

So one and one do not make two

Just one and one

And that's no fun

Under my sun, your sun, should be our sun


That's the way that it should be

Everything is ours to share

About others we should care

We should help each other out

That's what life is all about

We should learn to compromise

Or we'll cause our own demise

Learn to live in harmony

Oh, how happy we'd all be

A perfect society

Author's Notes/Comments: 

written long ago...about how we separate ourselves from each other..sometimes everything is about me and not you or us and it needs to be about us or we and community and love and sharing and caring and lots of stuff no time to get into here...

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Danielle Wagner's picture

another great causes you to think and i can relate to this..there are many very selfish people in the world.

Ruth Lovejoy's picture

This is a great piece, it says how things are and I totally agree with your last four lines that sum up acceptance and compromise to bring unity of all peoples about! Great write!