I'm in a land
Made of quicksand
Forced to conform
How can I reform
Do what they do
Wear what they wear
That type of shoe
That style of hair
Don't try to be different, people will think you're odd
Just play their game,always agree and nod
Blend in with the crowd and you're cool
But if you stand out you're breaking a rule
If you don't use drugs then you're a square
You must learn to curse and swear
You must dress in a fashionable way
Or they will make fun of you all day
Well I don't care what they want me to be
I'm just gonna be plain old me
Take me or leave me is all I can say
For I refuse to be part of this play
Agree don't given in to the cesspool of others demands.Do what you feel is right for you,you will find out sooner or later if it was a right choice and if not ,you've learned from the experience. Be your genuine self and don't let others try to change you. I'm not saying don't compromise at times because you should but never compromise your own personal values........