Watching Live8 Now Rebroadcast Thanks AOL

Watching Live 8

want to participate

makes me appreciate

music even more

what a score

I adore

the message more

the music is the message always

I want more always and often please

I am addicted to how it makes me feel

makes my senses reel

seems so unreal

so what's the deal

need to get back to my lyrical roots

anyone out there wanna be in cahoots?

what's to lose

what's to gain

what's the use

think again

just do it

see what can happen

see through it

may get a laugh in

at least try

stop asking why

just do

be true


of this stuff?


but now, it's all I've got

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I really miss my falling into the band times and singing and and lyrics/poetry/theater/film/creativity is my world...I need to make myself more a part of it instead of staying apart from it...get it got it good? See ya, Pam

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fighter4life's picture

Yeah, I can definitely relate to this one, great work on this.